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Which is the most important – exercise or a healthy diet for longevity?

An eleven-year study done in Australia, using the UK Biobank data and Natural Health Service death records found some answers.*

The study focused on cardiovascular disease (CVD) and adiposity (obesity) -related (PDAR) causes.

The researchers grouped individuals into:
* Walking and moderate-to-rigorous physical activity and
* those into vigorous-intensity physical exercise.
They rated individual’s diet quality as poor, medium, or one of two levels of “best” based on recommendations from the American Heart Association.

Results of the study found that, compared to physically inactive individuals who also ate the lowest-quality diet, -those engaged in the highest activity levels and eating the highest-quality diet reduced their risk of all cancer mortalities by 17% and reduced their mortality risk of cardiovascular disease by 19% and of obesity-related cancers by 27%.

They found that the greater the level of moderate physical activity the greater the reduction in all-caused and cancer mortality risk with those in the most active group having a 13% – 14% reduction over the least active group. The same was true for the very active group, which also had a reduced effect on the cardiovascular mortality risk.

The highest-quality diet group, by itself – without moderate or intense activity- had no significant effect on all-cause mortality or cardiovascular mortality rate. However cancer mortality was reduced by 14%

In conclusion the study suggested:
Exercising to make up for eating poorly doesn’t help in lowering mortality risks.
Also, eating well but remaining inactive may help lower the risk of dying from certain cancers to a degree, but does not affect all-cause or cardiovascular disease mortality.
Also those who exercised the most and consumed the healthiest food significantly reduced their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and from certain cancers.

The author suggested that anyone who believes that one can exercise away poor dietary choices, and make-up for eating poorly will find that it doesn’t work in terms of lowering mortality rates.

Those who eat healthy or do physical activity will do better than those who eat a poor diet and have low physical activity. However the persons with the best diet and moderate or high physical activity levels will do the best.

*Berman, Robby, Medical News Today, July 18, 2022.


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