food crumbscooking, food preparation, recipes, nutrition, food science

About US is a blog I am writing in order to express my interest and love of food.   My mother loved to cook and at an early age, before school age, I was doing simple tasks in the kitchen.  With older brothers and a hard working father, meals were an important part of our day, three times a day, seven days a week.  My mother always had a huge garden with lots of fresh vegetables and berries  and the yard had apple, peach and pear trees.    Many summer days were spent canning vegetables and fruits.

I have lived most of my life in Ohio and after High School I studied Dietetics and Institution Management at the Ohio State University in Columbus.   I worked for many years as a Registered Dietitian both in clinical dietetics and administrative food service.  I did most of my work in Hospital and Nursing Home food services.  However I did my share of waitress and restaurant cooking to work my way through college.  Now they say I am too old to work but I still enjoy food and would love to share that love with others.

I like all aspects of food – cooking, recipes, nutrition, entertaining, gardening, commercial food production and preparation, and the history of various foods.   I will write from time-to-time, choosing subjects that are of interest at the time of writing.   Some articles will be my opinion and other articles, I will do some review to relay facts for your information and as a basis for future discussion.  I do hope you will enjoy my comments and  will interact with this blog to make it an interesting  location for food lovers.


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